十月 2014

October 18th, Ingredion Volunteers Treat Scholarship Children to Chocolate Theme Park

On October 18th, 20 volunteers from Ingredion led activities for 20 You Dao scholarship children at the Chocolate theme park. Chocolate Happy Paradise is located at the Shanghai Expo Park in Pudong, and is the first of its kind in China. It allowed the children to visit a fun theme park and to let them see the downtown part of Shanghai they have never experienced. The eager children left early for the park on the cool autumn morning. They met with their volunteers and were immediately split into groups with one volunteer and eight children. The organizers quickly explained the plan for the day, including a scavenger hunt and prizes that lay ahead. All of the children were very excited and ready to get started. Due to the early start, the group was able to enter the park before many tourists arrived, which gave the children free reign of the park. They were able to see all of the sites they wanted to, collect all the information they needed to for their game, and did not have to deal with big crowds. The volunteers led their groups through the different areas, all while trying to capture the special moments on Wechat and other micro blogs. At exactly 3pm, the organizers blew the whistle, calling all the teams back to the main meeting area. Not a single team was late. The organizers added up the game scorecards and determined all of the children would get prizes. The volunteers did a great job accompanying the children on a wonderful day at a unique park. One of the children courageously took a cucumber out of her bag and presented it to a volunteer as a present. She said, “This was grown by my mother, and I want to give it to the volunteer aunties and uncles who let me play today, thank you for all your hard work.” The volunteers were very moved and split the cucumber to share it. They were touched by the appreciation from the children and their parents. It was difficult for the volunteers to say goodbye to the children and left for a touching scene as the volunteers waved goodbye to the children as they left on their bus.



The Lendlease Volunteers Work For You Dao’s Family Home Renovation project

On October 16, the Lendlease volunteers were up early for You Dao’s family home renovation project.  You Dao worked closely with Lendlease to select the five neediest families with the most difficult living conditions, and to choose the volunteers who would donate their time and energy to the project.
Little Gu Aoyun lives in a greenhouse.  The floor is the earth, without a flat spot in it.  There is barely any furniture, all that there is was collected by the family from items discarded by others.  Clothes were just scattered on the bed, so there was hardly any space to rest or study.   Very dangerously, the space was hung with electrical wires dangling from the ceiling, which could have given dangerous shocks any time they were touched.  But after a hard day of work from the Lendlease volunteers, the space was transformed.  The electric wires were installed properly, ensuring the safety of the family and their children.  The team installed new lamps, and bedding and clothing were put away in neatly stacked boxes.  Two new desk with lamps were installed for the children’s study.  Mother Aoyun said she couldn’t imagine the transformation the volunteers brought to their home, and promised the children would make good use of the new desks to improve their studies.
Little Zhang Zihan’s home was nothing but an abandoned cottage, of about 20 square meters.  Warm sunshine streams through a south-facing window, but all the furniture was broken down, and only one of five kitchen drawers was working.  Everything was just strewn about, and all was badly in need of cleaning and organizing.  Lendlease volunteers working with this family brought simple furniture, kitchen supplies, a stove and lamps.  They brought milk powder for the children as well as books and puzzles – and desks at which the children could read and write.  Just a half-day’s work left the home new and full of love and warmth.
Little Zhu Mengchen’s  home is beside a pond.  It’s small and without much furniture, but it is clean.  The family is very poor – the bed was made from boards the father had picked up from construction sites.  A single gas burner served for a stove.  Lendlease volunteers arrived with a new mattress and stove, and fluorescent lamps which they installed for the family.  Everything was installed by noon when Mengchen’s father returned from the construction site where he works – and he invited the volunteers to have lunch with the family.  It was a simple but happy lunch that brought everyone closer together and Mengchen’s father saw off the volunteers with the belief the family’s lives will now be better.
Zhou Xiangming’s family of four lives in a 10-square-meter rented room, with no lighting or ventilation. His brother’s cough has just gotten better. The family of four sleeps in one bed, and the house was crowded with dangerous electrical wires and power strips. Lendlease volunteers worked together with the father to move out household waste and pieces of scrapped machinery – that got rid of the rats and the cockroaches. New wiring and electric sockets got rid of that safety hazard. And the volunteers brought along a new double bed and bunk beds for the children, along with a wardrobe and storage racks. The family of four now have their own beds and some space in which to relax. They left a bright and clean home, and a happy and much safer family.
We’re very grateful to Lend Lease volunteers under the leadership of Managing Director of Construction Steve Willett.They walked hand in hand with the migrant families we serve, working hard to provide better lives to people with little hope.  It just shows what a caring and socially responsible can do when it makes a commitment to social responsibility.  Thank you Lendlease.



Yum!volunteers and You Dao Qingpu center children celebrated September Birthday Party together

On the morning of September 13 volunteers from Yum! came to You Dao’s Qingpu Center for a special day – a September birthday party for all the migrant children!
All the volunteers jumped into the party decorations as they soon arrived, and then the fun began.
We started with the children talking about previous birthday parties, but it turned out that some had never had one because their parents were too busy at work. Some of the children didn’t even know their birthdays. With the help of the volunteers all the children wrote down their names and their birth dates, and then formed a circle in order of the dates. For the first time they learned how old each of them was. The Yum! volunteers took pictures with each group of children born in the same month.
And then of course came the cakes! Three of our little birthday stars including one Yum! volunteers made wishes and blew out the candles, while everyone sang Happy Birthday for the children who may not have had too many happy birthdays before. A happy dance from the children and more smiles and laughter brought the day to a close. More than one of the children said they had never had such delicious cake before, and that they couldn’t wait for their next party!








The Ninth Mr Willis Dinner

On September 8th, Mr. Willis restaurant and You Dao will host the 9th Mr. Willis Dinner.

During the dinner, Dr. Warren Kinne, a co-founder of You Dao, thanked the dinner guests for attending and their continued support. You Dao Foundation’s treasurer, Leonard Pratt, a 2014 Shanghai Magnolia Silver Award winner, also spoke about You Dao’s recent operation and activities.

The dinner also had a special musical performance from Australia singer Caitlin Reilly. Dr. Kinne also said a special thank you to Craig Willis, the founder of Mr. Willis restaurant. He said that without Craig’s great help and support You Dao would not have been able to achieve such success. Over the past few years, You Dao has provided around 255 scholarships to migrant children per year. Altogether over a 1,000 migrant children have benefited from these educational scholarships. Mr. Willis restaurant hosts two charity dinners a year for You Dao and donates all of the revenue to the charity. Craig also said a special thank you to his staff, who all generously volunteer their time for the event.

The 9th Mr. Willis Dinner was very successful. You Dao received funding for 10 new scholarships and many attendees expressed great interest in volunteering with the charity.

You Dao is very thankful for all of the support and hopes it can continue to grow and give back to migrant workers who are in need of assistance. You Dao hopes more and more migrant children can sense the love and support from the community and can learn to grow up and become confident, caring, and responsible members of this community.

Mr Willis 第九次筹款晚宴

9月8日由Mr. Willis餐厅和忧道基金会共同举办的第9期Mr.Willis慈善晚宴顺利落幕。
晚宴中,忧道基金会的创始人之一Warren Kinne博士致辞感谢了前来参加此次晚宴的嘉宾们。忧道基金会的财务官Leonard Pratt,上海市2014年度白玉兰银奖得主,也发言向大家介绍了忧道近两年的运作状况。
此次晚宴还邀请到了澳大利亚艺术家Caitlin Reilly为嘉宾演绎了歌曲。Warren Kinne也特别感谢了Craig Willis,Mr.Willis餐厅的创始人。并称没有Criag的帮助,忧道就没有今天的成绩,在过往几年中,忧道共送出了约255个奖学金,使近千名民工孩子能受益于忧道的活动计划。 Mr. Willis餐厅每年在两次的慈善晚宴捐出所有营业收入。Criag也特别感谢了在场的餐厅员工,因为 每次慈善晚宴,当天Mr.Willis的员工都以义务工作的方式来为忧道的慈善事业尽一份薄力。 
忧道基金会也很荣幸能得到大家一直以来的支持,使其能在不断成长中回馈于那些急需帮助的民工群体。 我们希望更多的民工孩子们能感知来自社会的爱,懂得爱和感恩,长大后成为自信、独立、有爱心有责任感的人。


由Eastern Carpet和四季大酒店主办的忧道慈善地毯拍卖会于2014年10月11日晚顺利落幕。近200位来自各界的朋友们出席了此次拍卖会,50件地毯精品在此次拍卖会中拍出。





You Dao Carpet Charity Auction

You Dao hosted a wonderfully successful carpet charity auction at the Four Seasons Hotel in Puxi on the evening of Oct. 11. The auction by Eastern Carpets of Singapore saw early 200 friends of You Dao join in the bidding, which sold 50 carpets for the benefit of our work with migrant children.
Entertainment for the evening came from Metto and friends, and the stars were the Lollipop kindergarten children of migrant workers with a charming dance performance.
The carpets were exquisite and the bidding was hot. The evening also featured a silent auction which was sold out, and one lucky lady walked away with the evening’s raffle prize – a free carpet donated by Eastern Carpets.
You Dao’s star of the evening was Alicia, Xiao Ai, who was in charge of selling teddy bears made by children and volunteers. She sold all of them within a half-hour, and the proceeds of 3,800 yuan will go towards medical assistance for two migrant children in need of care which their families cannot afford.
We thank the Four Seasons for their sponsorship and for making the evening such a success, and we look forward to next year’s charity auction in support of You Dao.