三月 2015

Tenth Mr. Willis Charity Dinner is a Success

On March 8th, 2015, You Dao hosted the 10th Mr. Willis Charity Dinner with nearly 100 guests. Mr. Willis owner Craig Willis was there to help prepare and serve the meal along with his dedicated staff. The wonderful Shanghai Baroque Soloists band provided entertainment for the dinner.
You Dao Chairman, Warren Kinne hosted the dinner, while board member Compton Tothill made the opening remarks. Later on in the evening, You Dao Executive Director Debbie Hu spoke to guests about all of the activities and progress You Dao had made over the past year. Debbie also shared the guests the current major social problems facing migrant workers and their children.
This was the 10th Mr. Willis Charity Dinner, and like all previous charity dinners, the meals were donated to You Dao by Mr. Willis restaurant. All of the proceeds from the charity dinner go help migrant worker’s children. In 2014, You Dao launched several initiatives to help the children like Children’s Game Day, Children’s Activity Centers, Migrant Home Improvement Activities, donations in stationary and clothing, and an English Teaching Corner for Children, among other activates.
You Dao also received donations for scholarships for more than 9 children. You Dao provided information to dinner guests about children who need help. Some of these children come from single parent households, some were abandoned by their parents and are raised by their grandparents, and some have a sick family member at home that makes paying for education difficult. Every child has a different story, but each has the same goal: to receive a good education. You Dao will provide each of the donors with updated information about the child and to let the donor know their scholarship is making a difference in their sponsored child’s life. These scholarships go a long way to improving these children’s’ lives and helping them build a brighter future.
Once again, we would like to thank Craig Willis and his staff for their hard work and generosity. We would also like to thank all of our guests and scholarships donors for their support in of You Dao. We hope to see you at the next Mr. Willis Charity Dinner.

第十届Mr. Willis 慈善晚宴顺利落幕

2015年3月8日,第10届Mr. Willis 慈善晚宴顺利落幕. 共有近百名嘉宾参加此次盛宴。
Mr. Willis 餐厅主人Craig先生亲自在晚宴上帮忙准备精美的食物, 并请来了SBS quartet (Shanghai Baroque Soloists) 乐队为嘉宾们助兴。
忧道基金会的主席Warren Kinne 主持了晚宴, 董事会成员Compton Tothill做了开幕致辞, 执行总监Debbie 回顾了忧道基金会去年一整年的主要工作并分享了目前民工儿童群体所遭遇的主要社会问题。
这是Criag先生第10次援助忧道基金会。每次Mr. Willis慈善晚宴的所有餐费都将悉数捐赠給忧道基金会用于民工儿童项目。在2014年度,忧道基金会开展了民工儿童运动会日、 中心儿童活动、民工家庭装修活动、 捐助民工幼儿园文具、 衣物、设立英语角等活动.
每一届参加MR.Willis Dinner的爱心人士人数也在不断攀升. 忧道基金会也收到了越来越多爱心人士提供的助学金。此次慈善晚宴上提供的9名助学金儿童候选人的助学金全部获得了现场认领, 这些孩子们有的来自离异家庭, 有的被亲生父母抛弃由爷爷奶奶领养,有的家里有生病的亲人导致家庭收入入不敷出, 每一个孩子都需来自社会的关爱. 而我们现场每一位认捐的爱心人士也都将收到资助孩子的信息和后续跟进报告。一直以来, 忧道基金会都本着对每一位爱心捐助者负责的心, 审慎地核查和跟进每一位助学金儿童的信息, 确保每一位爱心人士的捐助能真正落实去需要帮助的孩子们, 真正帮助这些孩子们和他们的家庭成员树立信心,构建美好生活未来.
在此,再次感谢持之以恒給予我们信任的Mr. Willis餐厅主人Mr.Craig, 以及一直以来给予我们资助的爱心人士们。 让我们期待我们在不久地将来能再次相聚,非常感谢大家!

第十届Mr. Willis 慈善晚宴顺利落幕

2015年3月8日,第10届Mr. Willis 慈善晚宴顺利落幕. 共有近百名嘉宾参加此次盛宴。
Mr. Willis 餐厅主人Craig先生亲自在晚宴上帮忙准备精美的食物, 并请来了SBS quartet (Shanghai Baroque Soloists) 乐队为嘉宾们助兴。
忧道基金会的主席Warren Kinne 主持了晚宴, 董事会成员Compton Tothill做了开幕致辞, 执行总监Debbie 回顾了忧道基金会去年一整年的主要工作并分享了目前民工儿童群体所遭遇的主要社会问题。
这是Criag先生第10次援助忧道基金会。每次Mr. Willis慈善晚宴的所有餐费都将悉数捐赠給忧道基金会用于民工儿童项目。在2014年度,忧道基金会开展了民工儿童运动会日、 中心儿童活动、民工家庭装修活动、 捐助民工幼儿园文具、 衣物、设立英语角等活动.
每一届参加MR.Willis Dinner的爱心人士人数也在不断攀升. 忧道基金会也收到了越来越多爱心人士提供的助学金。此次慈善晚宴上提供的9名助学金儿童候选人的助学金全部获得了现场认领, 这些孩子们有的来自离异家庭, 有的被亲生父母抛弃由爷爷奶奶领养,有的家里有生病的亲人导致家庭收入入不敷出, 每一个孩子都需来自社会的关爱. 而我们现场每一位认捐的爱心人士也都将收到资助孩子的信息和后续跟进报告。一直以来, 忧道基金会都本着对每一位爱心捐助者负责的心, 审慎地核查和跟进每一位助学金儿童的信息, 确保每一位爱心人士的捐助能真正落实去需要帮助的孩子们, 真正帮助这些孩子们和他们的家庭成员树立信心,构建美好生活未来.
在此,再次感谢持之以恒給予我们信任的Mr. Willis餐厅主人Mr.Craig, 以及一直以来给予我们资助的爱心人士们。 让我们期待我们在不久地将来能再次相聚,非常感谢大家!

Weekend Activities in Qingpu Children’s Centre

On February 7, 2015, 12 student volunteers from the Chang Ning International School traveled to You Dao’s Qingpu community center to play games with the children who were not able to return home for winter vacation.
The volunteers brought 3D color clay and worked with the Qingpu children using their imaginations to produce beautiful works of art. The children also ran outside and played tag and also engaged in a competitive game of soccer.
After the activities ended, the volunteers shared cakes and biscuits with the children. The volunteers were very happy to eat, play, and laugh with all of the happy children.



English Corner in Qingpu Boke Kindergarten

