十一月 2015

2015 Shanghai SRC Tennis Charity Tournament

“Shanghai SRC Tennis Charity Tournament” was held at the Shanghai Racquet Club from Oct 30th to Nov 1st, in aid of You Dao Foundation to support migrant families. Eighty-five competitors in 20 teams joined the tournament – in Davis Cup format – thanks to the broad support of the club for You Dao’s work.
The event started with the Tennis Exhibit Dinner which was supported by about 40 members. Participants were able to watch the matches played by the coaches while dining in an open ground at the center court. The atmosphere was very joyful. You Dao director, Mr Warren Kinne joined the dinner and spoke about You Dao’s mission - A way to walk and grow with migrant workers and their families.
The tournament events started on the weekends, and all participating members were excited and happy to compete for a good cause. At the same time, the club organised a charity bazaar for other members to join and share the fun – with face painting, manicures, and side matches.
At the awards dinner, live auction for carpets and hotel coupons, raffle draws became the spotlight of the night. Chairman of You Dao, Mr Compton Tothill expressed his gratitude for the support of all.
Funds donated to You Dao from the event set a record, and just as importantly, even more members and guests signed up to become You Dao volunteers, or to support us in other ways.
You Dao would like to express our support once again to our host, the Shanghai Racquet Club, Fusion and WWL. And many thanks also for the sponsorship of:
• Eastern Carpets
• The Peninsula Hotel
• Just Yoga
• The Country Holidays
• The Westin Hotel
• Alpha Dental Clinic
• Mr Willis Restaurant
• The Starwood Hotels & Resorts
And thank you to all members and guests of the Shanghai Racquet Club for their unstinting support of the You Dao Foundation!


比赛持续3天,由10月30日周五的晚宴拉开序幕。 约40会员欢聚一堂,一边愉快地用餐,一边欣赏两场由教练参与的比赛。当时的气氛是没法用笔墨来形容,忧道的董事Mr. Warren Kinnie出席了晚宴并讲话,介绍了忧道的使命和忧道为帮助贫困的民工和民工家庭所做的努力。
11月1日颁奖晚宴上,公开拍卖和抽奖的一环,把整个气氛带动起来,成为当晚的高潮。 忧道的主席Mr. Compton Tothill亲临致谢!
• Eastern Carpets
• Peninsula Hotel
• Just Yoga
• The Country Holidays
• The Westin
• Alpha Dental Clinic
• Mr. Willis
• The Starwood Hotels & Resorts

第11届 Mr Willis Dinner晚宴

The eleventh Mr Willis Dinner

The eleventh Mr Willis Dinner was held last Sunday evening, 8th November, at the Mr Willis

2015 You Dao Sports Day

On November 7th, 2015, You Dao hosted the Migrant Children Sports Day at the Shanghai Rugby Football Club.
Shanghai experienced torrential rainfall in the morning and many thought the Sports Day would be cancelled. However, the weather luckily cleared up and the games were on!
The You Dao staff and volunteers arrived at the rugby club early to setup. You Dao friends from 7 companies from different industries formed 10 teams with more than 100 adult volunteers in total. Each participant received a You Dao t-shirt and then patiently waited for the children to arrive.
God seemed to smile down on the children and as they arrived the sun broke through the clouds and beautiful blue skies emerged.
Although there were a lot of people, the You Dao staff was very well organized and carefully introduced each group of children to their respective team of adult volunteers. After the 10 teams were divided, You Dao’s Chairman Compton announced the start of the games.
The Rugby Club coaches setup 5 different games for the groups: football, baseball, soccer, dodge ball, and cricket. For many of the children, this was their first time playing any of these different games. The coaches designed the games so they would be fun and simple and allow the children to bond with their adult teammates. The teams rotated through every game to experience all different types of fun.
Many of the adult volunteers were company owners, executives, and employees but on this day they forgot those roles and played like joyful children with their migrant children teammates.
Playing with the children allowed many of the parent volunteers to remember what it was like to play with their kids and allowed the younger volunteers who are not yet parents to experience what it is like to be a parent. The children also had a great time learning these new games and enthusiastically tried their best at each new sport.
The children and volunteers ran around for hours trying the new sports. At 4pm the gong sounded signaling the end of the exhausting sports activities.
After leaving the playing fields, everyone gather inside for dinner. The children lined up to grab dinner and the volunteers helped to serve them food.
After dinner, the children lined up to get back on the buses. Many of the volunteers followed them to the bus to say their goodbyes. The volunteers wished them luck and told them to “study hard!” and “listen to your parents!” Though they were only together a couple of hours, the children and volunteers brought immense joy to each other’s lives.
Throughout the Sports Day the children were all very well behaved. They did not fight or litter and were very kind and respectful to the adult volunteers. They did a great job representing all migrant worker’s children.
The hundred children's happy faces were hard to forget and brought great joy to the volunteers and staff of You Dao. Seeing the children so happy made them realize their hard work was worth the effort.
A special thank you to all of the volunteers and the companies who helped make this event possible, including:
Boston Scientific
Nexans (China) Wires & Cables Co., Ltd.
LIXIL Water Technology Group
Shanghai Feng Tao Development Limited
Fast Fish
Elite Residences
Peninsula Hotel
Camenae Asia for wine sponsorship
Shanghai Rugby Football Club
A special thank you to all of the volunteers. Thank you to all of the You Dao staff for your support. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.


忧道的工作人员早早来到现场,各项工作准备妥当。来自上海7家不同行业的公司和忧道的朋友,共10支赞助团队的100多名队员也陆续到场,换好了统一的印有忧道的logo和使命的T-shirt, 等待着孩子们的到来。
人虽然多,但因为准备充分,一切有序地进行。10支成人队和10支孩子队一一配对后,忧道的董事长Compton 宣布运动会开幕。
运动场充满紧张激动的尖叫声、加油声、欢笑声,4:00pm, 结束的锣声敲起,运动员们意犹未尽。