Beiyaowan Children’s day activities

Beiyaowan Nursery

Children’s favorite time of the year is here – Children’s Day!To celebrate Children’s Day, Beiyaowan held a celebration on May 30th 2015 in anticipation of the day.
At 2pm Beiyaowan held a talent show for the children. All of the children eagerly gathered at the main blue door of the Beiyaowan center in anticipation of the fun event. After all the children were in the center and seated the activities could finally begin.
Four cute little MCs hosted the event and used their cute voices to announce the different performances. The first performance was the “Turtle and the Hare race.” The children told the story through their performance and the lesson of “modesty and conceit.” The play was full of educational lessons, giving both the children on and off the stage a better understanding of this principle.
The performances later on were also full of surprises, with some kids singing and dancing on stage, some children performing the classic fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” in a brand new style, and even some children showing their own original magic show.
The children liked the game portion of the day the best. They all tried to get involved and competed with great enthusiasm. The first game had the children divided into teams of two and they had to mimic each other’s body movements. Everyone was laughing and having a good time. The second game was the well-known game musical chairs. Everybody had a good time trying to get a seat.
As the talent show was about to come to an end, all of the kids who performed came to the stage one last time. They were all brilliant stars on this small stage.
As the activity came to an end the children eagerly awaited their favorite part of the day, getting presents!
After the talent show was over, the children neatly lined up to go to the small room to receive their gifts. Seeing their happy faces made all of the preparation worth it.
The Beiyaowan activity could never have been possible without the help from our wonderful volunteers. We would like to thank all of the volunteers from Yaohua international school and the Shanghai University Blue Ribbon Love Alliance for their great support in helping us run this great event.