Gifts giving to needy families for Christmas 2009


At this festival season, You Dao Foundation supported by YCIS Parents Organisation Pudong and one of You Dao friends, Ms Maia Schulze Tsang along with other expat parents and their children in Shanghai have prepared many thoughtful gifts for the children from poor and needy families for them to enjoy the Christmas Season. Teacher Wang from Qingcun Golden Year Kindergarten has represented You Dao Foundation to delivered the gifts to the poor and needy families who received Australian Chamber of Commerce scholarship

Currently there are 23 children who received scholarship in our kindergarten. They are from 18 different families. Teacher Wang has been spending two days to deliver these gifts to these families. The gifts were donated to You Dao Foundation by YCIS Parents Organisation Pudong and individuals such as Ms Maia Schulze Tsang which included clothes, hats, toys and stationery etc The recipient families are all very grateful apart from initial surprise for the gifts. Especially the children are very happy to see the gifts. The parents are touched by the fact that the foundation has been very thoughtful in terms even the brothers and sisters in the family were all included to receive Christmas gifts as well. The gifts giving activity not only delivered the New Year's greeting to the children and their family but also delivered the warmth from our heart. This enables them to feel the warmth of being in a bigger family as part of the society. They also felt the care and concern from the foundation which enables them to enjoy a happy Christmas season.
