Thank You Dinner for volunteers at Shanghai Baoshan M-kids center

Baoshan M-Kids Centre

On the evening of 3rd January, 2010, Shanghai M-kids Center, supported by You Dao Foundation has hosted the 2009 Thank You Dinner at a restaurant near Shanghai University.

Shanghai Baoshan M-kids Center is a community service center providing after school activities for migrant children in Beiyaowan, Baoshan district out skirts of Shanghai. Under collective efforts, currently the center provides activities on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons. The main participants for this Thank You Dinner included students from Blue Ribbon Group, Lv Zhou Group and students from Literature Department at Shanghai University. Apart from the volunteers, the main participants also included Warren Kinne, one of the founders of You Dao Foundation. He is also a foreign professor at Department of Philosophy in Fudan University. Daniel Shen Liang from Shanghai Drama Institute, Ms Feng from Beiyaowan Christian Church, five volunteers from Fudan University and fellow student Zhang Fang, representing the Migrant kids were also among the participants. At the beginning of the dinner, Daniel Shen Liang thanked the volunteers for their time and hard work. Because of many volunteers' increasing involvement, there was significant improvement with the activities provided to the migrant kids. Especially the volunteer students from Shanghai University have made huge effort in improving the variety and quality of activities in Beiyaowan nursery. Also because of their organization which enable tonight's dinner to go ahead. At the same time, the volunteers were also grateful for the support from You Dao Foundation including the full funding of the Thank You Dinner. 上海MKIDS 志愿者答谢聚会 2010年1月3日晚上,忧道资助的上海民工子弟服务社在上海大学附近的餐厅举办了2009年度的志愿者答谢晚宴。 上海民工子弟服务社(Shanghai Mkids)现在主要开展宝山区北姚湾的民工子弟课外活动中心,在大家的努力下,现在已经有周六、周日两个下午的活动时间。这次聚会的主要参加者有上海大学蓝丝带社团、律舟社团、文学院实践部的同学。还有忧道基金的发起者之一复旦大学哲学系外教Warren,上海戏剧学院的沈亮,北姚湾天主教堂的冯阿姨,以及来自复旦大学的五位志愿者和民工子弟的代表张芳同学。 聚餐开始的时候,沈亮感谢了志愿者的辛勤和真诚的付出。也正是因为有这么多的志愿者,我们这学期的活动有了较大的变化,从分工到活动内容,随着大家参与程度的提升而有了较大的进步。特别是上海大学的志愿者同学们,是他们的付出,使得北姚湾的活动越来越丰富多彩,也是他们的精心安排,使得今晚的活动得以顺利进行。 志愿者们也特别感谢忧道基金会对上海民工子弟服务社对支持,包括这次感谢宴会的全额资助。
