Great New Zealander's Dinner

The dinner featured the arrival in China of Lisa Tamati, from New Plymouth in New Zealand.
Lisa is an accomplished Ultra-marathon runner, who has come to China to compete in the "Gobi March", in Xinjiang province.
The Gobi March is a trek of 250km, over 6 days, in which competitors carry everything on their backs, except water.
Lisa has also completed the Death Valley run in Colorado, has run the length of New Zealand (over 2000km) and various other ultra-distance challenges.
The dinner was organised by "NZ-China Direct", whose CEO, David Caselli, is also a competitor in the Gobi March. Two other competitors, Declan Surlis, and Todd Flanagan, (You Dao's own Director) are also representing You Dao in the Gobi March. The dinner served as a great send-off for the competitors, featuring fine New Zealand foods and wines that David Caselli's company brings into China. Lisa gave a stirring speech about her previous performances in Ultra marathons. You Dao's table was hosted by Sharon Fraser, one of You Dao's dear friends.
The Charity auction raised over 6,000 RMB for You Dao Foundation. All in all, a fine evening.
