四月 2013


2013年4月21日上午8:30—11:30,马陆第二次家庭日活动在天天幼儿园举行。活动邀请了共19个家庭参加, 其中包括曾经接受资助的1个家庭以及正在申请资助的2个家庭,共有孩子32名,家长28名。

Shanghai Theatre Academy run community theatre workshop

From 24th March to 4th April 2013, Beiyaowan Centre started a 12 day theatre workshop. This activity was entitled “Hope in Beiyaowan”. The Director was a woman from “Bread and Puppet Theater” of the United States and was sponsored by the Shanghai Theatre Academy. Students from that University and Shanghai and Fudan University students were involved in the project as well as the children in the Beiyaowan area.

Over the 12 days of the project there were 300 times of attendance by the University students and 220 times of attendance by the children and parents.

At noon on 4th April there was a show through the streets of Beiyaowan given for the people on the project in which they displayed the masterful props that they had produced over that period.

Donated Clothes to Bang Bang Tang.

On 1st April 2013, A Pleines Mains Charity went to Bang Bang Tang and meet representatives of You Dao for a hand-over of 15 boxes of clothes for the migrant children in that area. At 11:00 am 14 children and 4 teachers received the donation on behalf of the school. The children were helped to get into the new clothes. The teachers then took the other boxes to their various class rooms.


2013年3月24日至4月4日,北姚湾儿童活动中心开展了为期12天的社区戏剧工作坊活动。该活动以“希望北姚湾”为主题,由美国面包与木偶剧团艺术家Clare Dolan指导和导演,制作各种偶。参与的志愿者来自上海戏剧学院、草台班剧团、上海大学和复旦大学,共计300人次,参与的孩子和家长共计220人次。于4月4日中午进行社区巡演。


2013年4月1日,A Pleines Mains组织通过忧道基金会向奉贤棒棒堂幼儿园捐赠了15箱衣服,上午11点整,幼儿园4名教师代表和14名贫困家庭的小朋友坐在教室里接受捐赠,捐赠者当场按照小朋友的身高分配衣物,并帮助一些小朋友换上新衣服,孩子们都非常开心,并和捐赠人拥抱。教师代表也领取衣服,分给每个班级有需要的孩子,让农民工家庭感受社会的关爱和温暖。